
Risk Staffing Challenges

An Innovative Program to Discover New Talent


In 2022 we found that many members were sharing in frustrations with finding qualified candidates to fill analyst & manager level positions in the risk function. Our preliminary discussions revealed many shared challenges and suggested that maybe we as an industry group could find mutual success with staffing needs if we work together in a number of areas related to recruiting young professionals.

Current Objectives

During the members’ discussions at the July meeting (see recordings below/right), there were a number of issues that the members voiced their interest in pursuing through this working group. Among others, these included:

  1. Build a source for experienced but early career candidates for analyst & manager level positions

  2. Create a source for new entry-level recruits by offering internship opportunities through the CCRO organization

Interested in Joining Our Discussions? Let us Know!

If you’re interested in being part of our on-going discussions and development of this CCRO initiative to help with critical staffing challenges, please let us know!

Recent Progress

Currently the initiative has been led by Morgan Davies of The Energy Authority, Nigeria Bloczynski of Prism Risk, and Paul Posoli of Career Spring. There is a short video below that introduces them.

With a member survey and several meetings to discuss the details, we are seeking to get this program started with the help of members joining into upcoming deep dive discussions.

Draft Work for You to Review & Get Up To Speed

Following are some documents, survey, videos. Please take a few minutes to review them…